April 17, 2007

On Modern Debugging For Rule-Based Systems

With the growing interest in rule languages in the Semantic Web and the Business Rule community it is time to look again at the issue of debugging rule bases. New challenges have arisen since the time most concepts for today's debuggers where created: end user programming has grown in importance, graphical editors have become more common and programs are increasingly interconnected. Today there is no debugger for rule-based systems that takes into account the declarative nature of rules and that addresses these challenges.

This paper proposes Explorative Debugging as a paradigm for building debuggers that truly take into account the declarative nature of rules. The Inference Explorer is presented as an implementation of the explorative debugging ideas.

A publication by me and Andreas Abecker that was accepted for this years SEKE conference (Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering). 

It is a paper more about the challenges for debugging and less about the solution ... I hopefully post a paper that concentrates on the core concepts of Explorative Debugging in a week or two (IF it gets accepted :)

The entire paper is here.

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