April 30, 2008

Morgan Stanley's Internet Trends report

Techcrunch has highlighted an interesting presentation by Morgan Stanley about current Internet trends. The entire presentation is embedded below or here at Slideshare. The tidbits I found particular interesting:

  • YouTube and Facebook together have more Page Views than google.com or yahoo.com
  • 16% of online time is spend with 'social connections'
  • More than 50% of Facebook users log in daily, 95% of Facebook users have used at least one third party application; 14 million photos are uploaded to Facebook every day
  • In the US the money spend on direct telephone adds is still five times more than that spend on Internet advertising, money spend on newspapers ads is still more than double that spend on Internet advertising.
  • Paid search accounts for 16% ($3billion) of the revenue generated on the Mobile Internet
  • The majority of visitors to the US's main sites comes from outside the US (Except for Fox Interactive :) )
  • More than twice as many mobile phone users as Internet users, the number of users in Asia+Africa has overtaken Europe+Americas in both cases.
  • 6 of the top 10 Internet sites are social sites (YouTube, live.com, Facebook, hi5, Wikipedia, Orkut)



April 15, 2008

Participate in Survey on Rule Base Development -Method, Tools and Problems (and Maybe Win a Camera)


canonIf you have been involved in the developed of any rule based system in the past five years, it would be great if you could find 15 minutes and participate in my survey on Rule Base development - methods, tools and problems. You can even win a nice Canon Ixus 80IS

Thanks !