June 1, 2007

Explorative Debugging For Rapid Rule Base Development

We present Explorative Debugging as a novel debugging paradigm for rule based languages. Explorative Debugging allows truly declarative debugging of rules and is well suited to support rapid, try and- error development of rules. We also present the Inference Explorer, an open source explorative debugger for horn rules on top of RDF.

By myself and Andreas Abecker.  I'll be presenting it at the Scripting for the Semantic Web Workshop at the European Semantic Web conference next week.

You can read the entire paper here, I think its actually quite readable and worth your time (if you have any interested in how to debug rules - that is).

I haven't really decided on how much further I develop this line of research and the implementation of this debugger - Hence I' ld love to hear any feedback concerning this ideas - think its worthwhile? waste of time? better debuggers exist already? Would use such a tool?

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Anonymous Mike Bergman said...

Hi Valentin,

I think this idea is very worthwhile, and may in fact have further applications in areas such as SPARQL query formulation or QBE as well.

I also think the idea of trying to target this to the end-user programmer (me!) is worthwhile, and therefore may deserve some further enhancements via a natural language overlay.

Finally, I think this piece got me thinking that I need to learn much more about the rule side of things on the semantic Web.

Good work to you and Andreas.

Thanks, Mike

June 01, 2007  

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